About me

Hi, I’m Xin Xiong.

I am currently a Ph.D. student in the Department of Physics at Hong Kong Baptist University under the mentorship of Prof. Liang Tian, beginning in October 2021. My main area of research involves devising innovative methodologies and tools for analyzing multi-omics data, with a particular focus on addressing fundamental questions in the field of tumor biology.

Prior to starting my Ph.D. studies, I worked as a research assistant at the Shenzhen Institute of Synthetic Biology, where I had the invaluable opportunity to delve into the intricacies of the tumor microenvironment under the guidance of Prof. Xuefei Li. Additionally, I gained research experience as a Research Assistant at ZhuLab within the Interdisciplinary Research Center on Biology and Chemistry in Shanghai.

I obtained my bachelor’s degree (BEng) in Bioengineering from Xi’an Polytechnic University, and subsequently pursued my master’s degree (MEng) in computer science from Shanghai Jiao Tong University under the guidance of Prof. Hai Zhao.

Outside of research, I enjoy reading, watching movies, playing badminton, and practicing photography.

Current and Future Research Interests

I have broad interests in bioinformatics, focusing on high-dimensional multi-omics data analysis, gene regulatory networks, and cell-cell interactions. I am passionate about expanding my knowledge in statistics, machine learning, and complex systems to enhance my research capabilities. In addition to developing methods, I am eager to apply these tools to address biological challenges in cancer biology, immunology, and neuroscience, with the goal of understanding the underlying biological mechanisms.

Research Experience

  • Transitioned from Bioinformatics Service to Research: After gaining valuable bioinformatics experience (Perl/Python/R programming, microarray/sequencing data analysis, etc.) providing services to universities and hospitals for five years, I pursued my passion for independent research by joining ZhuLab as a research assistant.
  • Developed Tools for LC-MS Data Analysis at ZhuLab: During my three years at ZhuLab, I thrived in a research environment, developing tools for analyzing mass spectrometry data (LC-MS) of natural small molecules in the human body. This experience solidified my bioinformatics expertise.
  • Deconvoluted Cellular Components in the Tumor Microenvironment: Eager to delve deeper into cancer biology, I joined Dr. Xuefei Li’s group. There, I focused on developing a novel method for cellular component deconvolution within the tumor microenvironment (TME). This project formed the foundation for my Ph.D. research at HKBU. Github: https://github.com/OnlyBelter/DeSide.